Big Brother

Friday, July 11, 2008


Lets deal with this answer by asking you some more questions.

Do you mind be stopped in the street to produce your ID?
Do you mind being searched on the street with no explanation.
Do you mind if your mobile phone microphone listens to none phone face to face conversations.
Do you mind being finger printed, eye and face scanned as standard.
Do you mind if your internet searches and sites you look at are monitored.
Do you mind if your personal information is held on a super data base open to many council, government, police and intelligence service personnel.
Do you mind if someone hacks or sells your details for profit or crime.
Do you mind if your children's details are held there.
Do you mind if technology and computer software decides if you should be arrested or questioned.
Do you mind if this technology and software made a mistake or was faulty.
Do you mind if your DNA is held by those who may wish to control you in the future. After all DNA is proof of being guilty isn't it? Can it be planted.
Do you mind if being critical of the government is made a crime.
Do you mind having a spy chip in your wheelie bin to be find for too much or the wrong type of rubbish.

You see all the above is already happening or being discussed by government with a view to introducing it.

If you don't mind and don't value your privacy then please email me your bank account details, N.I. number, medical record, criminal record, political views, tax details, debt record, children's names, ages and school. Then please let me know all your planned movements for the coming week. After all, why should you be bothered if you haven't done anything? How could this information be used now or in the future to control, blackmail, rob or implicate and frame you by police, governments or criminals.

Do you want to be left alone unless you DO something wrong, or do you want to be suspected and have to prove yourself innocent when questioned?

Do you intend to commit a crime in the future?Maybe you wont mind having your brain scanned to tell if you have an intention of committing a future crime. Article. Guardian UK

Time for a nice holiday or business trip. You board your aircraft and sit down in your seat. In the back of the seat in front of you is a video camera. You will be monitored in case you are guilty of being about to commit a crime. How about having a continuous video of your face on an airliner to detect suspicious activity or intent. I suppose you cold say "If I'm not doing anything wrong, why should I be bothered" Article.

Police want to use Unmanned Aerial Vehicles (UAV) or spy planes to watch for trouble. So street CCTV that watches you, listens to you and can shout orders and X-Rays you isn't enough. Article. No were going to have a spy in the sky. Of course it's only to watch the bad guys to keep us safe (again) Do you really think that once it's introduced without a backlash from the grateful public that it wont be used to watch and track others? Article.

Original source HERE

The right to peer inside your iPod

The heads of the G8 governments, meeting this week, are about to ratify the Anti-Counterfeiting Trade Agreement (Acta), which - it's claimed - could let customs agents search your laptop or music player for illegally obtained content. The European Parliament is considering a law that would lead to people who illicitly download copyrighted music or video content being thrown off the internet. Virgin Media is writing to hundreds of its customers at the request of the UK record industry to warn them that their connections seem to have been used for illegal downloading. Viacom gets access to all of the usernames and IP addresses of anyone who has ever used YouTube as part of its billion-dollar lawsuit in which it claims the site has been party to "massive intentional copyright infringement". SOURCE
